
Watering Advice

(go to FAQ page)

average ONE WEEKLY watering, depending on temperature.

Hand watering with hose:
– about 4 seconds per gallon of pot size (e.g., 12 seconds for a 3-gallon plant).
– water roots gently, using a wide-mouth nozzle.
– water more or less as needed, as ground gets saturated. Watch for runoff.

If it RAINS good, DON’T water. Rain might just supply ALL water needs.
A half-inch of rainfall counts as a watering.
Lesser rainfalls may miss roots, just dampening the mulch.

OVER 80 degrees out?
Apply MORE water, MORE often (up to every other day)
If YOU feel hot, your plants are hot. Don’t forget them.

UNDER 50 degrees out?
Apply LESS water, LESS often (but at least once every two weeks).
Cold of winter? With typical dormant season rain, very little human watering is needed.

Avoid overwatering! You may do more harm than good.
Plants getting watered too much, without a break, may suffer root rot.

IF IN DOUBT, check moisture level with finger (or a moisture meter).
Maintain slight moisture level, but let rootball dry out a little once a month.
If plant stays too DRY: plant dies from top-down (losing foliage at tips).
If plant stays too WET: plant dies from inside-out (losing inner foliage).

When do I reduce watering?
Reduce frequency by HALF each year as plants get established.
If severe drought happens, water EVERYTHING, no matter how well established.

Over-watered plants can look like under-watered plants.
Wilting or color change can occur either way.
If watering has failed, let plant go dry a few weeks. It may pick up.

New plantings may shed leaves.
Going from a nursery to an exposed planting (more sun & wind), plants may go into ‘shock’. 
Usually temporary; maintain water and wait. Often it will re-leaf, even into mid-season.

Problems may not be watering-related.
Disease, fungus, or insects may visit upon your plants anytime, anywhere.
Try a garden store formula, like, Bio-Advanced 3-in-1 Insect, Disease & Mite Control. Spray on foliage as needed ~ or to prevent.

Plant grew so fast, it is leaning!
Foliage often outgrows stem. Give it a solid haircut! Shear maybe 1/3 of foliage away.
Shear 1/3 to 1/2 of foliage off the uppermost areas.
It should straighten up with weight taken off. It will be stronger, and will regain stature fast.

4920 Mial Plantation Road
Raleigh, NC 27610
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