
Shop website 2 ways:
Broad stock in Price it
Broader stock in Sources
No in-store shopping.
On-site Consult available.

• name, phone & delivery address
• any list of plants, or wants
• want planting? free 811 locate?
maybe attach/share Price It

Get quote back within a day.
If nothing within 24 hours,
check your spam & trash,
then call 919-266-7939.

Quoted prices good for 30 days.
Plant supplies not promised,
as plant stocks can sell out
without notice.
Reserve up to 14 days ahead.

Accept quote, or reply with edits.
Get updated quote back.
Repeat as needed.
Confirm order via email.

Call/email with questions.
Many answers in FAQ

Deliver 3 to 8 biz days.
Confirm delivery window.
No surprise visits.


over $200, get 1% off
over $300, get 2% off
over $400, get 3% off
over $600, get 4% off
over $800, get 5% off
over $1000, get 6% off
over $1700, get 7% off
over $2500, get 8% off
over $3700, get 9% off
over $5000, get 10% off
~sales tax counts~

Discount builds over orders.
First $300 order is 2% off.
Second $300 order gets 4%
($600 level reached).
Third $300 order gets 5%
($800 level surpassed).

Your Discount never expires.
Applies even if you move.


20% cancel fee day-of-delivery
~plants not returned to growers~
No cancel fee before delivery day.
No cancel fee if Guarantee applied.


If plant is under-sized,
or not of reasonable quality,
you may reject upon delivery.

After delivery, take 7 days to
inspect plants thoroughly for
health issues.

Poor plants will be replaced,
refunded, or discounted on-site.

For other than above reasons,
20% cancel fee applies.


50% off current retail price
at time of replacement.
No-fault. No reason needed.

Choose any new plant,
same pot size or less.
3rd year: 40% off
4th year: 30% off
5th year: 20% off
Thereafter: 10% off
Your accrued Volume Discount
is then deducted.

No sales tax for warranties in NC.
Must use same hole to waive tax.

Trees2Go claim may be repeated.
New View Planting is just once.

Mileage fee applies outside
of the Eastern Triangle Area.


If more plants are needed,
we will follow up FAST with a
second order, once first
transaction is completed.


Deposit may be required.
Balance due upon delivery.
No financing available.
Checks gladly accepted.
Make payable: ‘Trees2Go’
Cash/Check/Venmo/Zelle2% off Total
No debit cards.
Credit Cards accepted:

Merchant Equipment Store Credit Card Logos

Square c/c on-site.
Paypal c/c on-line.
$25 returned check fee.
Accounts are past due after 30 days.
1% monthly interest on overdue
accounts, as well as any
collection or attorney’s fees.

919-266-7939 til 6pm, Mon-Sat
4920 Mial Plantation Road
Raleigh, NC 27610
~ please, no visitors ~
plants are at local growers
~ website is our store ~